Mr. Bender
5th Grade
Treasure Hills Elementary, HCISD
I-station Reading
If you are looking for an easy way to improve your child's reading, them have them spend an extra 20 minutes per day on I-Station. I promise that if your child is giving their best effort, we will see significant gains in comprehension, text fluency, vocabulary, and spelling. Currently we spend about 80 minutes per week using the program at school. If we could double it, then we could really see some amazing results.
You will have to follow the link to download the program. A letter should have gone home in October that explains what you need to do and how to access the parent portal so that you can track your child's results.
Once you download and install the program, you will be asked for a domain.
Please enter treasurehills.harlingen.tx . You will not need a group name.
From here, your child can log on and work just as he/she does at school. If they do not know their username and password, email me or ask them to write it down at school so they can take it home. It will be time well spent.
When you have downloaded I-station and your child has successfully logged on, please email me at simply to tell me that you working I-station at home.